Jorge Mataix-Solera


ALC · ES · 1968

Professor of Soil Science at University Miguel Hernández (UMH)

In 1999 he defended his PhD thesis about the effects of forest fires on physical, chemical and microbiological properties in Mediterranean soils, this continued as his principal line of research, also studying fire-affected areas of Chilean Patagonia and the Peruvian Andes, and with especially emphasis on the study of soil aggregate stability and water repellency. He has collaborated more than 30 research projects related to forest fires, the development of indices of environmental quality of soils, degradation and conservation of forest and agricultural soils. He has developed his career mainly in Spain in national projects, and participated also in international projects, with several stays abroad. He maintains close collaboration with researchers from UK, Slovakia, Chile, Perú, USA, Russia and Australia, among others. Currently is the President of the Spanish Society of Soil Science.


Relevant Milestones and Summary of the Scientific Activity and Production Records

· 9 PhD supervised in last years

· 105 JCR articles (82 of them in Q1)

· Listed in the rank of Soil Science researchers in Spain with higher H index

· Included in the list of Top Environmental Sciences Scientist in Spain

· Included in the ranking of the 2% most cited in the world AD Scientific Index

· Distinguished with the Teaching Talent Award at UMH in 2015, 2018, 2020 & 2022

· Coordinator of FUEGORED: National Network “Effects of Forest Fires on Soils” (2010-2012)

· President of Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS · 2017-current)

Editorial boards:
· Spanish Journal of Soil Science (2017-current)
· SOIL Executive Editor (2014-2021)
· Geoderma (2013-2017)
· Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics (2013-2016)
· CATENA-Guest editor of Special Issue: Soil Water Repellency, CATENA, 108 (2013)
· CATENA-Guest editor of Special Issue: Fire Effects on Soil Properties, CATENA, 74 (2008)



· Photography · Music · Trekking · Cycling · Beer · Tapas · Friends & Mountains

«Science and art have the creativity in common»

Some contributions from my artistic side:

· Photography: link to a photo-exhibition with 39 pictures of sky: ALC_Sky_2009_2018

· Music: link to the music of my rock band: Bluenáticos

In the pictures Luis Poveda «Lupo», Sergio Prieto & Jorge Mataix-Solera in Azkena Rock Festival · Vitoria Gasteiz 2014